Press review (arch.)

  • 60th anniversary of the salon of Taverny, France.

    Monday 19 September 2016

    After a long trip, Melancholia will be dis­played for the 60th anniver­sary of the salon of Taverny, France.
  • Poster and Catalog.

    Wednesday 1 February 2012

    The poster of the exhi­bi­tion: The poster. The cat­alog of the exhi­bi­tion: The catalog cover.
  • The oppening of the exhibition "DUALITY".

    Thursday 26 February 2009

    Preparations of the show­room at the D Gallery, on May 25th 2009, di Jakarta: The opening of the exhi­bi­tion "DUALITY" with Mrs Shinta Kamdani on February 26th, 2009: The exhi­bi­tion:
  • Press: The Jakarta Post

    Thursday 15 June 2006

    Art school opens opportunity to fresh talent. Rita A. Widiadana, The Jakarta Post, Gianyar Johan Wahyudi was pre­vi­ously an eco­nomics stu­dent at a pres­ti­gious uni­ver­sity in Yogyakarta. His par­ents wanted him to take the helm of their lucra­tive busi­ness someday. One day, he spent his school hol­i­days on Bali roaming every corner of the art vil­lage of Ubud. Johan was delighted to see young arti­sans pro­duce quality carving, painting, sculp­ture and a vast array of hand­i­craft (...)
  • Press: Sinar Harapan (Indonesien)

    Tuesday 6 June 2006

    Interaksi Seni Seorang Bruder Muda terhadap Bali Oleh Sihar Ramses Simatupang, Sinar Harapan. Jakarta – Suara tem­bang Bali mengisi ruangan gedung CSIS (Centre for Strategic and International Studies) di Jl Tanah Abang III, Jakarta Pusat. Di sana ber­jejer karya J-Philippe , pelukis muda asal Prancis. Cahaya lampu meny­orot karya-karya berupa foto dan luk­isan. Dalam kedua macam media karyanya itu, Philippe punya dua bahasa visual saat menangkap keber­sa­ha­jaan masyarakat (...)
  • Press: Sinar Harapan (Indonesia)

    Tuesday 6 June 2006

    Interaksi Seni Seorang Bruder Muda terhadap Bali Oleh Sihar Ramses Simatupang, Sinar Harapan. Jakarta – Suara tem­bang Bali mengisi ruangan gedung CSIS (Centre for Strategic and International Studies) di Jl Tanah Abang III, Jakarta Pusat. Di sana ber­jejer karya J-Philippe , pelukis muda asal Prancis. Cahaya lampu meny­orot karya-karya berupa foto dan luk­isan. Dalam kedua macam media karyanya itu, Philippe punya dua bahasa visual saat menangkap keber­sa­ha­jaan masyarakat (...)
  • The oppening of the exhibition "PASSAGES".

    Wednesday 31 May 2006

    Preparations of the show­room at the CSIS building, on May 29th and 30th 2006, Jakarta: The opening of the exhi­bi­tion "PASSAGES" with the ambas­sador of France, Mr Renaud Vignal, on May 31th, 2006: The exhi­bi­tion:
  • Press: La Gazette de Bali (French)

    Sunday 1 January 2006

    Moderniser la vieille école Par Eric Buvelot pour La Gazette. Jean-Philippe est le respon­s­able des cours de l’Ecole d’Arts appliqués Sasana Hasta Karya de Gianyar. Apres quinze ans de tra­vail assidu, cet Orléanais de 36 ans est en passe de réussir le pari de développe­ment et d’indépen­dance finan­cière de cet établissement fondé par une mis­sion catholique. L’excel­lence de l’enseigne­ment dis­pensé dans cette école d’arts reconnue par l’éducation nationale indonési­enne n’est plus à (...)